How do you actually make sure that you’re getting lots of those happy probiotic critters populating your gut every day? It can seem tricky when you’re getting started but if you try some (or all) of the ideas below, you’ll be full of culture in no time!
1. Add 1 tbsp of your fave cultured veggies as a side to your favourite egg dish.
2. Sprinkle on ANY salad. Experiment with sweet cultures on tangy or salty salads … or vice versa.

4. Purée and use as a salad dressing.
5. Add 1 Tbsp as a condiment to any of your favourite dinners … a stir fry or baked fish or one of my faves – Curry Coconut Chicken (so yummy).
6. Sip 1 tsp of cultured liquid hourly to get rid of a sore throat (or other bugs).

8. Dress up Ginger Squash Soup with a spoonful on top.
9. Add to hummus or cashew cheese, or any paté and cracker combo.
10. Add lots to guacamole! Try Fermented Salsa or Salsa Verde.

Even if you take just one of these ideas into your daily life, your body will thank you. If you’re not already making your own, find commercial options at your local deli. (Read labels carefully to be sure you’re getting fermented and not pickled.)
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Just in case you missed it, you can find out more about my journey into the land of cultured veggies by clicking here.
WATCH FOR IT – There is big Get Cultured news coming up next week!