Take Good Care of Your Self
“Take care” is such a common phrase and we say it so often … but what does it mean, really?
Connecting Coast to Coast
Nia teachers across Canada are coming together to dance! Join us for a fun celebration of Canadian music & our Nia connection from coast to coast!
Upping my Tech game
I’m now offering recordings for 24 hours after each class I teach! You can fit your Nia class into your day however it suits you, instead of just at 9 am.
Upping my Tech game
I’m now offering recordings for 24 hours after each class I teach! You can fit your Nia class into your day however it suits you, instead of just at 9 am.
Thursday Morning Pop-up Nia Class at Mission Point Park
The field awaits us!Click on the video below to see …I’ll be waiting for you at the field in Mission Point Park. Class starts at 9 am.
Things You Need to Know
What do you need to know?Click on the image below to find out about all the things ... All the things: No zoom class on Tuesday, August 11 as I’ll still be at my sisters Yes there will be an outdoor Nia class at Mission Point Park on Thursday August 13 Yes – there...
From the Heart
Your heart energy is stronger than you think. In this short 3 minute video I share information from Heartmath to brighten up your day. It's an experiment to see if I can manage the technical details as well as the talking in front of a camera. All to save me from...
I Can’t Believe I’m STILL Doing This!
I recently received the invite for my 50th (gulp) grad reunion. Kinda exciting, really. I immediately checked out if I could fit the event into my schedule, and sneaked a peek at who was already coming. I was feeling the excitement and organizing to make it happen …...
Hearty Harvest Soup AKA Hamburger Soup
Yes, I’ve done it again – substituting ingredients to suit my belly and my lifestyle. The ‘hamburger’ soup recipe is an old family favourite …
Mexican Thai Coleslaw Updated
Why is there a photo of kiwis on my Mexican Thai Coleslaw recipe post, you ask? Insert my sneaky grin here … I had some kiwis and cabbage in my fridge –
Rethinking Time – DOing or UNDOing?
It started after joint replacement surgery. My body complained bitterly if I did not follow the Rest Ice Elevate rule explicitly …
Razzle Dazzle Cheesecake! SO good!
Raspberry season is almost here! My raspberry patch is abuzz with bees and the first berries are growing SO fast…
The Get Cultured Online Course Opens for Registration!
My Get Cultured Online Course is now live! It’s the online version of the workshop I’ve been teaching for years …
10 Simple Ways to Make Cultured Veggies part of Your Life
It’s all fine and dandy to say … yup, cultured veggies are great! Or I love probiotics … BUT How do you …
My Get Cultured Journey or … how I got into this pickle!
I got into this Get Cultured groove mostly by being incredibly curious about food: how it tastes, feels and how it nourishes my body, mind and spirit. It started waay back … Just before I turned twenty-one I, along with a good friend, embarked on a three-month...