Travelling? You Can Take Your Cultured Veggies With You!
Yes, I take my culture starter with me when I travel … because it seems to me that that’s the time when I need my gut to be the strongest and most impermeable it can be. It’s easy to make small batches as soon as you land somewhere. Any glass jar with a lid, stuffed...
Getting Cultured Matters – A Lot!
And no, this is not about the opera… Cultured (or fermented) in this case refers to everyday vegetables & vegetable mixtures that are bursting at the seams with probiotics, those little critters that balance and boost our gut environment. They get this way through...
Scrumptious Spiced Pear Cake
I’ve just discovered the BEST dessert! It’s adapted from a recipe sent to me by a friend. It was the image that caught me. The look of the whole pears sticking up out of the cake was just so fun. I had to figure out how to make it gluten and dairy free so that I could...
Sunshine Coast Art Crawl
It's a wild and woolly day here in Sechelt. All my garden plants are shedding their leaves and settling in for - dare I say it - winter. Eeek! But before the last flower drops, there's time for one last hurrah. The Sunshine Coast Art Crawl happens this weekend, and no...
Happy Harvest Tomatoes
I love harvesting from my little backyard garden. I love even more the aroma of roasted tomatoes wafting through the house … The recipe – it’s a simple one – is below, and works all year round. It seems to me though, that there’s a little extra sense of deliciousness...
Time to Use That Culture!
The weather has shifted and fall is definitely settling in here on the Sunshine Coast. Which is wonderful and lovely and all that good stuff - or not. This is also the time that opportune cold or flu bugs seem to come alive and search out the unprepared. If YOU want...
2017 Clean Fifteen & Dirty Dozen
I see lots of news bites these days about the cost of – well – everything. For me, what I notice most is the cost of food. I’ve always been picky about the quality of the foods I buy and I’ve never been a fan of sticking to a food budget. For many years I have bought...
There’s Something About Getting Cultured
The last few weeks have been tougher for me, emotionally. Nothing bad has happened to me or my family, but I think that nutzoid mess that is the world at large has been seeping into my energy fields. One of the ways I’ve been “managing” that was by eating everything...
Get Cultured! Workshop April 29, 2017
Guess what I'm up to? Making samples for my next Get Cultured! workshop. It's happening on Saturday April 29th at my place in Sechelt from noon - 3 pm. Why might you be interested in cultured veggies? Cultured veggies provide a wide variety of probiotic strains. This...
My State, Your State
I’m writing this from the sun and warmth of Mexico, where I've spent some of my time here reviewing the last year, noticing how I feel about my life loves and business. It helps me to take the time to acknowledge what feels good AND what feels kinda funky or even...
Get Cultured! June 11, 2016
I've set the date and made my plan, so it's up to you to see if this is YOUR time to Get Cultured! Why cultured? Cultured vegetables power up your immune system so that those nasty bugs can’t get in. They are packed with probiotics that help your...
My Smoothie Recipe Updated
Are you getting tired of that smoothie breakfast you’ve been sipping since New Year’s? If it’s getting hard to keep to that resolution to clean up your eating, this all fresh smoothie will REfresh your mornings! Every ingredient enters the blender whole. That way I...
CELEBRATIONS with Vegan Ginger Snaps
I'm so excited - I just can't hide it! CELEBRATIONS cookbook is almost ready! I know I should be calmly working in the background getting the final details tied down. Instead I'm doing a bouncy happy dance in my chair, so impatient to share my joy in the delightful...
Why Getting Cultured Matters So Much
And no, this is not about the opera… Cultured (or fermented) in this case refers to everyday vegetables & vegetable mixtures that are bursting at the seams with probiotics, those little critters that balance and boost our gut environment. They get this way through...
Continuing to be Cultured
I'm at it again, folks. There's another Get Cultured! workshop coming Saturday, October 3 from noon to 3 at the Davis Bay Community Hall. I'll have lots of information about the benefits & why's, as well as lots of cultured vegetables for you to taste. After a...