Rethinking Time – DOing or UNDOing?
It started after joint replacement surgery. My body complained bitterly if I did not follow the Rest Ice Elevate rule explicitly …

Time to Use That Culture!
The weather has shifted and fall is definitely settling in here on the Sunshine Coast. Which is wonderful and lovely and all that good stuff – or not. This is also the time that opportune cold or flu bugs seem to come alive and search out the unprepared. If YOU...
There’s Something About Getting Cultured
The last few weeks have been tougher for me, emotionally. Nothing bad has happened to me or my family, but I think that nutzoid mess that is the world at large has been seeping into my energy fields. One of the ways I’ve been “managing” that was by eating everything...
Get Cultured! Workshop April 29, 2017
Guess what I’m up to? Making samples for my next Get Cultured! workshop. It’s happening on Saturday April 29th at my place in Sechelt from noon – 3 pm. Why might you be interested in cultured veggies? Cultured veggies provide a wide variety of...