Lessons from the U-Knee-Verse

Lessons from the U-Knee-Verse

    When I had surgery 20 years ago to clean up the mess inside my knee joint, the surgeon told me that I would have 10 –12 years before I would need a new knee. My response to that was: HA – I can change this – I can take care of my knee in ways this...
I can fit into my favorite jeans again!

I can fit into my favorite jeans again!

  Okay – I started out writing a short blurb to advertise the last day of my $.99 sale for the digital version of my cookbooks. I got a little carried away… I can fit into my favorite jeans again! This is a good thing! The other good thing is that I didn’t have...

Ever Stumble?

Find yourself stumbling? Make it part of your dance . So many of us tend to make sweeping resolutions at the beginning of each year, only to stumble a few days or weeks into the grand scheme. How often do you chastise yourself for those stumbles – feeding a downward...

Getting Cultured

Even on holidays, I can be cultured – it’s true! I’ve never tried doing this while away from home before, but it was easy peasy and oh so important. Read on … The photo you see is the batch I made shortly after arriving in Mexico. Ron and I...

Me ‘n’ Wheat Belly

I haven’t been eating wheat for ages, simply because my body said no – repeatedly – with skin rashes, sore joints, edema and foggy brain syndrome. With further experimentation I realized that gluten in anything was an anathema to my body … and possibly many others’....

Why Am I so Happy?

  Part of me immediately thinks, “don’t question, Jan – just enjoy this moment.” And yes, since I am sensing that lovely settledness and a radiating heart – I am enjoying this moment. Or I was until I started writing this and now I’m just grinning...