Your heart energy is stronger than you think. In this short 3 minute video I share information from Heartmath to brighten up your day. It’s an experiment to see if I can manage the technical details as well as the talking in front of a camera. All to save me...
I recently received the invite for my 50th (gulp) grad reunion. Kinda exciting, really. I immediately checked out if I could fit the event into my schedule, and sneaked a peek at who was already coming. I was feeling the excitement and organizing to make it happen …...
The weather has shifted and fall is definitely settling in here on the Sunshine Coast. Which is wonderful and lovely and all that good stuff – or not. This is also the time that opportune cold or flu bugs seem to come alive and search out the unprepared. If YOU...
This spring I created new by-lines for my business cards and website. Now you may think that I create these logos and by-lines to entice you and to market to you, and really, I thought so too … until I realized that they’ve become my mantras for my own growth and...
I know I’ve been talking about flying a lot, but it just keeps showing up! I was reading The Daily Love blog today and here was this Rumi quote that I just had to copy and pass on. “You were born with potential You were born with goodness and trust You...
Who woulda thought? I’ve been advocating reading labels on the foods you buy VERY CAREFULLY for years now. Who woulda thought that I would get caught – yet again – ingesting chemicals I don’t want to ingest because of making an assumption. The other day I was...