There’s Something About Getting Cultured

There’s Something About Getting Cultured

The last few weeks have been tougher for me, emotionally. Nothing bad has happened to me or my family, but I think that nutzoid mess that is the world at large has been seeping into my energy fields. One of the ways I’ve been “managing” that was by eating everything...
Get Cultured! Workshop April 29, 2017

Get Cultured! Workshop April 29, 2017

Guess what I’m up to? Making samples for my next Get Cultured! workshop. It’s happening on Saturday April 29th at my place in Sechelt from noon – 3 pm. Why might you be interested in cultured veggies? Cultured veggies provide a wide variety of...
Get Cultured! June 11, 2016

Get Cultured! June 11, 2016

    I’ve set the date and made my plan, so it’s up to you to see if this is YOUR time to Get Cultured! Why cultured?  Cultured vegetables power up your immune system so that those nasty bugs can’t get in. They are packed with probiotics that help...
Getting Cultured – The April 2016 Version

Getting Cultured – The April 2016 Version

Constantly building the presence of probiotic foods in your life can change how you feel – every day. It’s true! I’m hearing more stories all the time about how the addition of cultured veggies has alleviated long standing symptoms of gut microbiome...
Continuing to be Cultured

Continuing to be Cultured

I’m at it again, folks. There’s another Get Cultured! workshop coming Saturday, October 3 from noon to 3 at the Davis Bay Community Hall. I’ll have lots of information about the benefits & why’s, as well as lots of cultured vegetables for...
Jan at the Sunshine Coast Yoga Festival

Jan at the Sunshine Coast Yoga Festival

I’m delighted to be a part of this beautiful event, offering DARE TO BE readings through the day and a Nia class in the afternoon. Nia and yoga together create a beautiful synergy of mindful, aligned energy flowing through your body. Celebrate the unique yoga...