Scrumptious Spiced Pear Cake

Scrumptious Spiced Pear Cake

I’ve just discovered the BEST dessert! It’s adapted from a recipe sent to me by a friend. It was the image that caught me. The look of the whole pears sticking up out of the cake was just so fun. I had to figure out how to make it gluten and dairy free so that I could...
Sunshine Coast Art Crawl

Sunshine Coast Art Crawl

It’s a wild and woolly day here in Sechelt. All my garden plants are shedding their leaves and settling in for – dare I say it – winter. Eeek! But before the last flower drops, there’s time for one last hurrah. The Sunshine Coast Art Crawl...
Happy Harvest Tomatoes

Happy Harvest Tomatoes

I love harvesting from my little backyard garden. I love even more the aroma of roasted tomatoes wafting through the house … The recipe – it’s a simple one – is below, and works all year round. It seems to me though, that there’s a little extra sense of deliciousness...
Time to Use That Culture!

Time to Use That Culture!

The weather has shifted  and fall is definitely settling in here on the Sunshine Coast. Which is wonderful and lovely and all that good stuff – or not. This is also the time that opportune cold or flu bugs seem to come alive and search out the unprepared. If YOU...