This spring I created new by-lines for my business cards and website. Now you may think that I create these logos and by-lines to entice you and to market to you, and really, I thought so too … until I realized that they’ve become my mantras for my own growth and creative expansion. You can borrow them if you want …

Take a Little Chance

Try a Little Change

Trust Love Create

You’ll see them on my updated homepage and at the top of the newsletter. These phrases have become some of my favourite guidelines for living a fabulously vital life.

Here’s one way it’s played out for me:

At the Whistler everyWOMAN event this year, my display table was beside these photographers who seemed like such fun that I had to go over and see what they were up to. They took these great quick photos that were awesome (see my new facebook headshot). We had lots of fun connecting over the weekend and, lucky me, I ended up winning a coupon for a free photo session! I met up with Sarah and Tobin in Vancouver in the summer, and oh – we had a good time. I loved the pampering of Sarah doing my hair and makeup, the process of getting my pictures taken (ham self in full action, encouraged by Tobin) and loved the results even more.
Jan-photobin-3-web red top 200 x 300So I Took a Little Chance, Tried a Little Change, Trusted in the process and the result is the updated look on my website.
 After enjoying the homepage, check out more new photos on my Meet Jan page, DARE TO BE cards, Get Cultured pages. I am, of course, still in the process of changing…
Trust – Love – Create.
 I’d love to know what you think! Simply click here to share your response.
Go ahead – Take a Little Chance, Try a Little Change! Trust in the process, Love yourself and allow the Creation of whatever is next for you, whether it’s new family photos, enjoying a hobby or a stroll in the woods … or the first step of a major life shift.
Trust  Love  Create