

I’ve set the date and made my plan, so it’s up to you to see if this is YOUR time to Get Cultured!

Why cultured? 

  • Cultured vegetables power up your immune system so that those nasty bugs can’t get in.
  • They are packed with probiotics that help your digestive system get top nutrition out of every bite.
  • Fermented veggies are great for reducing and even eliminating sugar cravings!

To register or if you have questions, simply click here to contact me.

The workshop includes a wealth of practical information plus a guide to make it easier for you to slide into the cultured life after the workshop. I’ve got great new recipes and 2 different methods for you to use to get yummy tasting cultured veggies.

Here are all the deets:

When: Saturday, June 11th from noon till 3 pm

Where: 5785 Genni’s Way, Sechelt in my beautiful big new kitchen

Fee: $75 – includes all organic veggies and fermenting supplies, handbook & recipe book!

To register or if you have questions, simply click here to contact me.

I look forward to getting cultured with you!