More than just a cookbook, the Get Cultured Primer tells you WHAT cultured (fermented) veggies are, WHY you want to eat them, and HOW to make them. You get detailed, step-by-step instructions so that you can make delicious cultured veggies the first time out! Choose from recipes that taste more like traditional sauerkraut and pickles, recipes that are sweet like pickled beets and chutneys, hot like kimchi, chopped like Broccoli Salad or minced like Salsa Verde. So much YUM in one package!

Chapters include:

  • What cultured veggies are and what they are not
  • My Story (why I’m SO passionate about cultured veggies)
  • A Short History of Fermenting veggies
  • The Benefits of Eating cultured veggies
  • Equipment & groceries you need
  • The Basic Recipe – A modern version of sauerkraut with sweet, sour, hot & salty versions
  • Lacto-fermented vegetables – A basic recipe plus sweet, sour, hot & salty versions
  • How to introduce cultured veggies into your lifestyle with ease & deliciousness

There are many variations on each basic recipe complete with instructions for experimenting on your own when you want. With this variety of creative and healthy recipes, many of which can be made in batches as small as one pint, you’ll enjoy this fun and delicious way to preserve and eat your vegetables.

The most important thing about cultured veggies is that you eat them! Why? Because when you eat cultured veggies it’s a proactive hit to the nasty little bugs that are looking for a way into your body’s systems. When you fill yourself up with the probiotics and enzymes that are cultured veggies, you instantly strengthen your gut and build immunity, leaving No ROOM for any opportunistic bugs. AND making your own cultured veggies is so inexpensive in both money and time/resources!

Whether it’s super probiotic recipes like Pineapple Tumeric Pazzaziness, Chipotle Culture with Red Peppers, Cultured Broccoli Salad in a Jar or even the simple Dilly Carrots – the ancient wisdom of fermented foods will delight your tastebuds and tummy!

To make eating probiotic-filled cultured veggies daily a real pleasure, I’ve spent years perfecting these superfoods into delightful taste treats that will have you clamoring to eat more. Get Cultured! A Primer for delicious fermented veggies that will rock your palate and your health makes it so stress-free!

Buy this book now and get started fermenting vegetables today.

The Get Cultured Primer as a downloadable pdf is only $19.97
… a great price for a lifetime of tasty awesomeness 😃

The Get Cultured Primer is also included with my Get Cultured! Online Course.
In this video-packed course e
very step is there for you to see, and is available 24/7.
It’s like having me in your kitchen guiding you as you go through the steps.