Wheat-free, dairy-free whole food recipes prepared with love by Jan Jensen
Holidays and special family or friend occasions are when most of us step off whatever wagon we’re on, throw caution to the wind, and eat massive amounts of foods that disagree with our bodies or are just plain junky. My sensitivities to wheat and dairy products make social occasions even more of a mine field when it comes to the eating part. This recipe book is my answer to that story.
After many food ‘hangovers’ I finally got smart and experimented and researched and dreamed up yummy recipes that tickle my taste buds and energize my body. Some are simply delicious ingredients, ingeniously presented. Others require more preparation and cooking. They all are packed with tasty, healthy stuff perfect for any occasion.
Tickle your taste buds.
Energize your body.
Eat well and love it.
Your body will thank you!
For a BONUS delicious raw food recipe click here
To order the digital version click here

Looking for even more wheat-free, dairy-free whole food deliciousness?
Check out my Recipes for Loving the Body You’re In.
It includes some of my favourite raw and cooking light recipes,
plus tips and tricks to ‘green up’ traditional fare as well.