Tickle your taste buds and energize your life with Jan’s wheat-free and dairy-free recipes that are delicious and good for you too! Smoothies, breakfast suggestions, appetizers, spreads & sauces, wraps and rolls, salads, dressings, soups, dinner delights and, of course, yummy sweets.

In all her recipes, Jan aims for the highest value of good, healthy food with the least fat or empty calories possible ~ and the most delicious flavours. She searches out organic foods with no or little processing, grown as close to home as possible. This means that there are not a lot of recipes for tropical fruit or other exotic ingredients. However you will find dates or bananas in sweet treats instead of processed sugar, resulting in exceptional taste with higher health benefits.


Recipes for Loving the Body You’re In

Wheat-free, dairy-free whole food recipes

Tickle Your Taste Buds ~ Energize Your Life!

From mindful movement to the tastiest healthy food, Jan Jensen has sourced what makes a body feel great:

As a Nia instructor Jan knows the value of a well-nourished body, mind and spirit.

As a food-lover Jan has been teaching herself about good food and great ways of preparing it since her early twenties. Read more

To order, call Jan at 604-885-3363 or use our handy contact form.




Savoury n Sweet Treats for Every Occasion by Jan JensenSavoury ‘n’ Sweet Treats for Every Occasion

Wheat-free, dairy-free whole food recipes

Holidays and special family or friend occasions are when most of us step off whatever wagon we’re on, throw caution to the wind, and eat massive amounts of foods that disagree with our bodies or are just plain junky. My sensitivities to wheat and dairy products make social occasions even more of a mine field when it comes to the eating part. This recipe book is my answer to that story. Read more

To order, call Jan at 604-885-3363 or use our handy contact form.