Coming Soon!

Explore how moving your body helps your writing and how your writing can help your body move!  Find out what happens when you let go … Play and write in the magical setting of Jan’s waterfront home in Secret Cove. Indulge in delicious organic meals freshly prepared on-site.

Workshop Leaders

Claire Robson, widely published, wildly popular workshop leader and author of Love in Good Time, will help you unpack your memories and unwritten stories.

Jan Jensen, dynamic and effervescent Nia and body energetics teacher, will guide you to gently unwind and playfully shake out those untold stories.

Next workshop coming soon

(Catch the 3:30 ferry on Friday to the Sunshine Coast;  leave on 4:30 ferry on Sunday)


Early Bird Fee: $425

includes workshop sessions, shared accommodation for 10 participants, all meals, hot tub


Participants share their “Writing From The Body” experiences:

“enlightening new perspectives” ~ Ann Lindsay

“A fantastic, superlative, funderful, inspiring weekend with an amazingly gifted group of Women!” ~ Jude Lamoine

“…a sneaky way of opening me up! …down to the roots” ~ Gloria Malaka

“I learned a lot about writing in a different way. Tuning into my body.  The words helped to give me ideas and direction.“ ~ Virginnia

“ Congratulations on a most successful weekend …The food was amazing. Your Nia really helped me write.” ~ Betsy Carstairs


For questions and registration contact Jan by phone 604-885-3363  or